North Korea Population

North Korea Population

North Korea, a nation that has experienced significant changes over the past few decades, remains a focal point of global attention due to its political conditions and international relations. This article delves into the intricacies of North Korea’s population, life expectancy, growth rate, GDP, and cities, and attempts to forecast the future of this enigmatic nation.

North Korea Population and Life Expectancy

According to the World Population Review, North Korea’s population in 2023 is estimated to be around 25 million people. Despite historically low life expectancy rates, the country has made strides in this area. The life expectancy at birth in North Korea has risen from 67 years in 1990 to approximately 72 years currently. This progress is a testament to the systematic efforts made by the country’s officials and experts.

Growth Rate and GDP

The economic growth rate of North Korea has experienced various fluctuations over the years. As reported by Trading Economics, the current growth rate is estimated to be around 0.5%. In terms of GDP, the annual growth rate was -4.5% in 2020. However, the 2023 forecast by Trading Economics indicates a growth rate of 1.0%. This suggests a glimmer of optimism regarding the country’s economic future, despite the challenges it faces.

Largest Cities

Pyongyang, the largest city in North Korea, boasts a population of around 2.5 million. Hamhung, the second-largest city, has a population of approximately 800,000. Other notable cities include Chongjin, Nampo, and Wonsan, which are home to some of North Korea’s main industries. These cities, with their unique characteristics, play a crucial role in the country’s economic and social fabric.

History and Division

North Korea’s history has been significantly shaped by political events, particularly its division from South Korea. The separation of the two countries occurred post World War II, when North Korea was occupied by Soviet forces. Since then, North Korea has developed a socialist and communist political system, which has led to international sanctions and criticism. Despite these challenges, North Korea has managed to maintain its sovereignty and national identity.

Future Outlook

Predicting the future of North Korea is a complex task. However, the country seems to be making progress in terms of its economy and some social indicators. The relationship with the international community will undoubtedly play a significant role in shaping North Korea’s future. The key challenge for the country is to continue to develop a stable and sustainable economy amidst international pressures and internal constraints.


The future of North Korea is uncertain, but the country has shown progress in various areas such as life expectancy and GDP. The political conditions and relationship with the international community will continue to be vital in shaping its future. North Korea is a complex country that requires more attention and understanding to fully comprehend its past, present, and future.